Friday, May 15, 2020

Switching Gears - Physical collection to Virtual!

Just because the school building is closed, that doesn't mean the library is closed! We're open 24/7/365 really.

Some tasks that I've been working on:

  1. Switch Destiny view to Discover and focus on the electronic collection.
  2. Update the website to focus on electronic resources.
  3. Promote Online Safety on the library website, Canvas, and Learn at Home site.
  4. Up my Social Media Game! Trying to post to Twitter and Facebook at least a few times per week (primary focus is for students, but hoping parents and staff will follow as well).
  5. Evaluate our database holdings. Consider increasing eBoook collection. Commit to promote those resources to staff and students.
  6. To avoid email burnout-I've tried to limit emails to staff of 1-2/week. I've created a New Resources page for them on the library website that I refer to each week.
  7. Secured a School Google Voice number (and advertise it) so students can call/text for help. 
  8. Start creating video demonstrations for staff (asynchronous learning)!
  9. Explore SORA and Public Library Connect.
More to follow....thanks for hearing my random thoughts!

Be well. Stay home. Stay safe.

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