Friday, April 1, 2016

Genrefying Fiction, Part 2.5

So the idea to wait until all the books were returned for summer to scan in sublocations didn't work! We've found that Genrefying is GREAT for browsers, but tough for those that search from the catalog. Instead of one Fiction section to look in, there are now eight! We've started assigning sublocations through the catalog.

This should help students find titles and can be seen from the Title Details or Copy information in Destiny. 

At this point we are not assigning Subject headings for the Genres...but that may help students search in the catalog. I'm still trying to decide if we need data by Genre or if Fiction data can just stay lumped together. With the books separated by shelving areas, it is much easier to see the size of each Genre.

Here's an example of how things look in the online catalog:

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